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Inklings and Inklers

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1Inklings and Inklers Empty Inklings and Inklers Mon Jan 17, 2011 5:16 pm


Artist Inkling

So this is one of the stranger places in Inksplat. It is located in Everfall forest, and unlike most houses, this one is a bit weirder than normal. This one is nearly invisible. The only way you were probably able to spot it was because of the big ivory door that happens to not be invisible. A the true color of the house is known only to the person who made it. But when you walk inside you can see everything as though it was in a clear mountain stream.

The place was decorated very fancily (if that is a word). And had a large ornate counter in the center. And there was a a man, very weird einstineish hairdo, standing behind the counter. "Hello, My name is Glarf." Now if you would stare at him weirdly he wouldn't care. "How may I help you today in my fine shop? We sell all types of critters here. Although you may find them in the wild sometimes." He then gave a smile. " Oh yes now, here they are, just this way."

2Inklings and Inklers Empty Re: Inklings and Inklers Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:57 pm


Artist Inkling

Inklings and Inklers Dallan-example-1

These silly creatures are called the Dallan. No one knows who had created this beast but there is a numbe of theories on what made it like this. One is that the artist saw a snake, a bat, and a bird all on a tree. Another was that he was crazy. And the third one is so profane that I can't mention it. But here they are, and here they will stay until someone hunts them all down and kills them.

Name: Dallan
Classification :Unknown
Diet: Omnivore
Length: 4-10 feet
Hight:2-5 feet
Windspan: 3-4 feet
Fly?: No
Swim: Sort of
Personality: They are pretty timid and you don't see them much. But they live deep in the everfall forest. And they like to munch on their favorite snack. Gloom berries- Which are spiky fruit with a sweet center.

Premade:30 inks
Random:35 inks
Customs: 40 inks
Wild: Free
Breeding: 10 inks

For breeding, i will give out certain amount of rooms and then you will be able to use them when ever you feel like it. But you can only have a max of 3 rooms that you have obtained. Like wise with the customs except that you have to give me the form before you can get another one

What you want:(creature)
What mode: (random, premade, Customs[when availible])
Color:(if custom)
Anything extra:(if custom)
What special thing do they like?:

Okay these guys are now for sale!

3Inklings and Inklers Empty Re: Inklings and Inklers Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:58 pm


Artist Inkling

Inklings and Inklers Glandras-new-1

Glandras are one of the most populous creatures here, so they are compleatly free here. Unless you want to put one up for an experiment that is.

Name: Glandras
Classification: Dragon/ beast/ flying creature
Diet: Herbavore
Length: 1 1/2 Feet
Hight 1 Foot
Wingspan:1-1 1/2 Feet
Fly?: Sort of/ hover
Swim?: Float
Personality: One of, or the most, social creatures in inksplat. They are usualy in a family from anywhere of two to two hundred. They are often very shy around bords though, because thats who hunts them. Other than that they are very loving and careing. Show them some love and you can take one home. They come in only one size though and come in few colors; red, green, blue. But so far we only have red in stock. But every now and then they get an odd one and are banished from the family from being different. But they are still loving and genorous. Can you tame one?

Premade: free
Random: 10 inks
Custom: 20 inks
Wild: none
Breeding: 5 inks

The breeding is the same mentioned above, but you can get a custom any time you want. But please say when yu ae taking a free-b, You can only have two in each pen/home


What you want:(creature)
What mode: (random, premade, Customs[when availible])
Color:(if custom)
Anything extra:(if custom)
How big can the families get to?:

I will have a special surprise latter in the year, And an experimentation. But other then that you are gladly able to take one now!

Last edited by Firetra on Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:29 pm; edited 2 times in total

4Inklings and Inklers Empty Re: Inklings and Inklers Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:58 pm


Artist Inkling


5Inklings and Inklers Empty Re: Inklings and Inklers Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:59 pm


Artist Inkling


6Inklings and Inklers Empty Re: Inklings and Inklers Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:59 pm


Artist Inkling

we are now open!

7Inklings and Inklers Empty Re: Inklings and Inklers Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:30 pm


Artist Inkling

sorry for the double post, but we have new Glandras out and about.

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